Rate Schedule and Service Fees

Water Rate Schedule

Current Rates by elevation for a normal residential 5/8-3/4” meter are:

MunicipalityBase Fee/3MonthsUsage by 1,000 gallons
Ambridge Boro$58.19$4.98
Harmony Twp$58.19$5.07
Economy/Bell Acres$58.19$5.10


Billing Schedule

Quarter Bills are due the last business day of the months listed for each area:

(Acct # beginning 01-14)(Acct # beginning 20-27)(Acct # beginning 30-41)
1st QuarterAprilMayJune
2nd QuarterJulyAugustSeptember
3rd QuarterOctoberNovemberDecember
4th QuarterJanuaryFebruaryMarch

10% penalty will be applied at the close of business, 4:00pm after due date, delinquent notification will be mailed.

Shut off for Delinquent Billing will begin the first week of the months listed for each area, a $25.00 charge will occur once service is shut off:

(Acct # beginning 01-14)(Acct # beginning 20-27)(Acct # beginning 30-41)
1st QuarterJuneJulyAugust
2nd QuarterSeptemberOctoberNovember
3rd QuarterDecemberJanuaryFebruary
4th QuarterMarchAprilMay

Bills must be paid in full plus shut off fee $25 and turn on fee $25 before service is restored. There is a 24-hour wait after payment
before turn on occurs. Same day turn on is an addition $125.00 totaling $150.00. After hour turn on is an additional
$200.00 totaling $250.00.

Service Fees

There are various service fees for special services.  Some of the more common fees are:

Application for Service
(new construction and change of owner)
Returned Check Fee$40
Delinquent Shut Off Charge + Delinquent Turn on Charge$25 + $25 = $50
Residential Tap Fee 1” Service Line includes 5/8” Water Meter. Cost increases as meter size increases.
The fee is $6,401.00.
Mid-Cycle Final Bill$25 (owner request, no sale)

The full chart of Service Fees is on display in the Business Office.  See Customer Service Handbook or call for additional information.